It was a new day. They were gathered together when suddenly a strong wind filled the house and tongues of fire rested upon each one as they received the Holy Spirit.
The time for Pentecost was fulfilled. Jesus made good on His promise that we would not be left orphans. The Advocate, the Consoler, arrived to give courage, strength and power to the disciples, and to give birth to the Church. What formerly had been a day of celebration of the Law given to Moses and a day to celebrate the harvest became a new day that brought forth a harvest of workers in the vineyard for Christ.
St. Paul in the first Letter to the Corinthians writes
No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes called the forgotten member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit came to the disciples and comes to us so that we can become Jesus’ body in the world. Each day is a new day as the Spirit comes like the dewfall, driving wind, a mysterious overshadowing, or most commonly, as a whisper heard in our hearts. In today’s Gospel Jesus promised the Spirit will guide us to the Truth of the One God.
It must have been something on that new day. Just a short time ago these same disciples so lacked wisdom and knowledge that they were asking,
Lord are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel? Now, suddenly fearless and gifted, they were enabled by the Holy Spirit to proclaim salvation through Jesus Christ, speaking in tongues so all could understand. Whatever had been blocked was opened.
What might be blocking your celebration of a new day? Why do we miss the wind, the dewfall, the silent whisper? We may find that our self-serving ideas of God, of ourselves, of others block us from experiencing Jesus as He truly is. We can be blinded by our preconceptions, our attachments, and material desires. We may be stymied by seeking “God AND. . .” rather than “God ONLY.” Real openness, removing those blocks, can be a Pentecost gift in our lives. If we sincerely pray, the Spirit will give us that openness, followed by a cascade of other gifts.
Each day is a new day for the community of St. Angela’s. Since Pentecost last year, blocks have been removed, allowing us to worship the Lord in our new church. Now we pray to more fully reflect in truth, love, forgiveness and mercy the One we worship. The Holy Spirit has been and will continue to be present in all our leanings toward Holiness; inviting us to hear God’s voice and to share our many gifts. As our Easter season comes to a close let us end it as it began—Alleluia, Alleluia. It is a new day.
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