The image of Israel as the vineyard God faithfully loves and cares for despite her inattentiveness and sinfulness was familiar to the disciples who in today’s Gospel hear Jesus say, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.” Jesus assured the disciples they are branches that have already been pruned, examined, and retained. Although this was spoken during the Last Supper, this is good Easter news; they are participants in His paschal mystery!
Take a look at today’s Gospel and count. Five times in this seven-verse passage Jesus lets us know that He is the Good Shepherd. Does the sentimental image from children’s books or stained windows that depict the small pretty white sheep draped over the shoulders of the spotless, good-looking young man come to mind? Don’t let that image distract you from the rest of Jesus’ self-identification; the part that includes He lays down his life for His sheep. We hear this Gospel on the Fourth Sunday of Easter precisely because it illuminates the heart of the paschal mystery.
Happy Easter! Today we complete the Easter Octave. Each of these eight days has been a celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord and of our salvation. And our Easter feasting has just begun! Whereas we fasted seeking repentance and conversion during the 40 days of Lent, we celebrate Easter for 50 days. We are an Easter People!
Alleluia! He is risen! He is truly risen! We’ve moved through the six weeks of Lent and the Holy Triduum of Christ’s passion and death into the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Details of that amazing discovery are recounted in our Easter Gospels. On this wonderful day how strong is your Alleluia? If it isn’t a full-throated crooning, do not despair. You are in the good company of those who first peered into the empty tomb.