There are moments in life when making a decision simply cannot be put off any longer. Holy Scripture reminds us often that we are free to decide; from the beginning in Deuteronomy where we are told I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction” to early in St. John’s Gospel which tells us “Light came into the world. Yet people loved the dark rather than the light. We are free and the choices are clear. Both the First Reading and Gospel today speak of very particular moments of decision.
Just about everyone likes a good party. Even the most introverted of us, once we drag our reluctant-self there and find a spot or task to hide behind, can enjoy watching everything unfold. In fact, simply receiving the invitation, knowing we are included, often ignites our sense of joy. All three of today’s readings tell us about a very special party—God’s heavenly banquet of Divine food. The Scripture illuminate the lengths God goes to in preparing this banquet and the gifts offered to those who accept God’s invitation.