The Legion of Mary is offering an opportunity for Marian consecration following the method of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. For those who have not been able to make a consecration to Jesus through Mary, we invite you to consider making this consecration. For those who have made the Marian consecration, we invite you to renew your fervor and devotion. It is recommended to renew the consecration each year.
It is time for a ministry refresher and an open invitation to those who would like to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. We have two upcoming training opportunities. Training will be held in the church nave. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, 7PM and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH, 10AM
Join the 2021 Public Square Rosary Crusade on Saturday, October 16th at 10:00 am (after the 9:00 am Mass). In the St. Angela Merici Catholic Church (in front of PLC bldg. parking lot) St Louis de Montfort said: “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church guided by the Holy Spirit, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.”
Senior Ministry - Adults (55+) are invited to join us at 10:00 AM on Friday, October 15 for a presentation from the Public Affairs office on, Social Security: What's in it for me? We will gather in the SAM Room and hope to see you there.
Life Chain is a nationwide, peaceful, prayerful public witness against abortion. Join members of our church as well as several area churches on Hwy 6 to hold signs such as “Abortion Kills Children” Abortion Hurts Women” and “Jesus Heals and Forgives.” October 24th, 2:00 – 3:30 on Highway 6 in Sugar Land. Please sign up at the table in the narthex on October 17th.
As we begin our Capital Campaign, Built on Faith, Growing Together as One, you are invited to attend a campaign reception to learn more about the history of our parish community, how the parish was "Built on Faith", and about the three ways you can ensure our campaign is successful. These receptions are informal and social, and will provide a wonderful opportunity for us to meet as a family of faith. Light refreshments will be served according to the fun themes.