Thursday, February 3 is the Memorial of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. The customary blessing of throats will be offered at the 9:00 AM Mass and 7:00 PM Mass. This goes back to the tradition that while St. Blaise was in prison for refusing to renounce his faith, he cured a boy who was choking to death on a fish bone. It is a great day to ask the Lord’s healing for sicknesses, especially diseases of the throat.
St. Angela Merici is looking for a core group of adults to join the Vacation Bible School (VBS) planning team. Please contact Claire Gregory at [email protected] if you are interested in more information or volunteering. * Preschool children of Adult VBS Volunteers may attend VBS *
This will be an opportunity to welcome women who are new to the community and those who have been active members of our parish. All women ages 21+ are invited to gather for an evening of fellowship. Thursday, February 3 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at The Guerra Home. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Amee France at [email protected].
Women of Grace is a beautiful opportunity to study scripture and reflect on the lives of women saints. All women are welcome to join! A new session is starting January 25th at 5:45 PM.
The Parish DAY OF SERVICE is coming up on Saturday, January 29th from 9 am - 1 pm. This one-day event will offer a variety of service projects for all ages. Everything will be hosted right here on the campus of St. Angela Merici.
The 14th Annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest will be held this Saturday, January 8 from 3pm-4:30pm at the St. Angela Merici outdoor basketball court. We invite all boys and girls, ages 9-14 to sign up for the contest on the day of the event. Each contestant will shoot 15 free throws in their age group and the contestant with the highest number made wins. The basketball court is located beside the St. Angela Merici Church building. Contact Mark Montalbano at [email protected] for questions or more details.
Children's Liturgy of the Word is ready to return with the New Year! We are in need of adult volunteers to assist with this ministry during the Sunday 10 am Mass. Please contact Claire Gregory at [email protected] if you are interested in more information or volunteering.
All men of the parish are welcome to attend the spring season of That Man is You! Thursday Mornings beginning January 13th from 6:15 am - 7:30 am in the St. Angela Room (in the Church). For more information contact Bryan Kelly at [email protected]
Ladies of St. Angela - you are invited to Game Night. Bring a friend and join us for food, fun, and fellowship! Bring your favorite drink and snack to share. One Friday Night a month from 6:30 - 8:30pm in the Parish Life Center. See you - Friday, January 14th!
Calling all who love to Bake, Cook, Decorate, or Welcome People!! We Need YOU to be part of our Hospitality & Reception Ministry here at St. Angela Merici. The joy of this ministry is that you can do what you love, on your own schedule and still be in service to others. If you are interested in receiving emails when the need to help arises, please contact Susan Sasso at [email protected]
Cardinal DiNardo has called us back to fulfill our Sunday obligations, joyfully and conscientiously, effective this Sunday, the Epiphany of the Lord. Read his entire statement at the link. We will continue to livestream and record Sunday Mass for our parishioners who cannot return to Mass in-person.
An evening for the whole family! Monday, December 20th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm As we walk through scripture from the Annunciation to the Visit of the Magi, we will hear beautiful songs that echo these passages. We pray this will be a night of joy and hope as we near Christmas! A reception will be held afterwards with cookies and refreshments.
Come spend time with our Lord and each other at St. Angela’s BUILD Night of Worship Friday, December 3rd at 6:00pm! There will be fellowship with a Dinner, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We will have live music and time for silent prayer. Come experience the grace and peace that comes from Eucharistic Adoration. All are welcome.
St. Angela’s Angels Mother’s Day Out Program is hosting our 3nd annual Project St. Nick on Saturday, December 11, 2020 at 5:30 pm-7:30 pm. This parish family activity is to raise funds for the needs of the Mother’s Day Out Program and Bible Buddies. Families will learn about St. Nicholas and Our Lady of Guadalupe through fun games, activities & crafts, and help serve others in our community. There will also be a photo opportunity with Santa and Mrs. Claus, and a petting zoo featuring Nativity animals. Register at the link
The parish will hold an Advent Reconciliation Service with visiting priests on Wednesday, December 1st at 6:30 pm in the Church. Visit our website at the link for resources on preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance or Confession).
ADVENT SERVICE PROJECT The Elementary Faith Formation & Youth Ministry programs at St. Angela Merici are collecting new items this Advent to benefit the children in the FBISD Shared Dreams program. ALL PARISHIONERS ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE. We are collecting kid friendly food, school supplies, toiletries, and new warm winter gear (hats, gloves, sweats, scarves) in adult and kid sizes. We are also collecting gently used and new COATS in all sizes. View the full donation list at the link. Donations Accepted 11/28 - 12/20 at the PLC and Parish Office.
SHOP AMAZON SMILE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON St. Angela Merici is on Amazon Smile! For most purchases you make through, Amazon will donate 0.5% to St. Angela Merici as a charitable organization. It's Simple to Set up and Use. Visit and select St. Angela Merici Catholic Church in Missouri City, TX as your Charity. Then use to shop each time!
Calling all 3rd through 8th graders! You are invited to sing at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass. No prior experience needed. Mandatory Rehearsals: Tuesday, December 14th from 5:45-6:45 pm Tuesday December 21st from 5:45-6:45 pm Friday, December 24th at 3:00 pm before Mass Email [email protected] by December 1st if interested!
Wish Upon a Star is our parish service project to share the holiday spirit and provide Christmas gifts to children and senior citizens in need within our community.
The Legion of Mary is offering an opportunity for Marian consecration following the method of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. For those who have not been able to make a consecration to Jesus through Mary, we invite you to consider making this consecration. For those who have made the Marian consecration, we invite you to renew your fervor and devotion. It is recommended to renew the consecration each year.